Dress Code
The students’ physical and emotional safety is uppermost when making dress code policy.
Hats may be worn in the classrooms, office, library or MPR if the staff member approves. Hats are to be worn with the brim facing forward.
Clothing must not have alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gang slogans, or weapons displayed.
No student may wear clothing with rips or holes which show any undergarments, or skin in the groin or buttocks area.
Pajamas are not to be worn to school unless approved by the teacher.
No gang apparel or chains.
No bare midriffs, no tummies should show.
No student may wear low cut tank tops with larger than normal armholes and no visible underwear.
Students may wear tank tops with a three or larger finger width shoulder strap.
All undergarments must be covered. Students are expected to dress with respect for self and others.
The length of shorts and skirts must be at the end of the student’s finger tips when standing tall.
Shoes: Tennis shoes are encouraged for safety. Tennis shoes with wheels are considered unsafe if the wheels are seen or used. Proper shoes ensure children’s safety, especially during
P.E. and recess. Platform shoes or high heels are not safe. Sandals without backs are allowed if they are sturdy. Wearing such shoes is at the discretion of the principal.